Reno Blog

Reno isn't called the Biggest Little City for nothing. While it's true that you can get to the airport in less than a half-hour from just about any place in town, it's also true that there is more going on here than you can imagine, let alone keep track of.  So in order to stay up on all of the latest events and activities, don't miss our timely and informative Reno blog. On a weekly basis, a Truckee Meadows insider will give you the background information on all your favorite goings-on and clue you in to new opportunities to get out and about. Forget about the Reno of yesteryear, when gambling was the main focus of the area and people came here in order to get a divorce. These days, participation opportunities abound whether you are a footloose and fancy-free Millennial, a parent trying to find something to catch the interest of kids or teens or someone just coming into the prime of your life. In fact, as you become a steady reader of the blog, you'll be amazed at how diversified the community has become over the past years, with something to offer all ages and all interests whether you've lived here forever or are visiting for the first time.

Reno Blog Posts

From Downtown to Midtown and from Boomtown to Victorian Square, we know you want to dive into Reno and Sparks, you want to hear about the latest festival down on the Truckee River or find out what celebrities are playing the showrooms! You need to hear about the outdoor activities that make our area a world-class destination area, each and every season of the year. And the only way to keep up with it all is to read the Reno blog!

hot springs water running through river rocks

High Country Hot Springs

By Keith Rugg | Tuesday, July 21, 2020
One of my favorite summer memories of Nevada is from a few years ago when we climbed into the car and made our way into the state’s interior. We explored the so-called ghost town of Unionville and then popped over to Kyle Hot Springs. This hot springs is Nevada to the core, with some old cattle watering tubs... Read More
View of Mount Rose

Our Friendly Mountain Neighbors to the West

By Keith Rugg | Tuesday, July 14, 2020
With all the change and uncertainty in our lives these days, sometimes it’s nice to consider a subject that is rock solid. Literally. I’m talking about the mountains, those big ol’ neighbors of ours that loom right next door. No commotion bothers them, they don’t have to check in to social media every morning to see... Read More
Downtown Reno at night

Reno Gets a Little Musical Appreciation

By Keith Rugg | Tuesday, July 7, 2020
I grew up in a household where we listened to both kinds of music – country AND Western. (Tip of the hat to the Blues Brothers.) But a person doesn’t even have to be a fan of that music genre to know that Reno is the place where Johnny Cash shot a man just to watch him die, it’s an awfully well-known lyric. But the... Read More
Man fishing on the bank of a river

Fishin' the Truckee

By Keith Rugg | Tuesday, June 30, 2020
I’m going to ‘fess up, right here and right now. Although I lived most of my adult life here – in fact, both my daughters were born in the Silver State – I didn’t grow up in Nevada. And although I was raised in the West, I was still taught in school (7th grade geography with Mr. Gornick, for those of you keeping score... Read More
Cup of coffee on wooden table

Double Down on a Double Shot Espresso

By Keith Rugg | Monday, June 22, 2020
With things loosening up a bit, I find that one of the things I’ve been missing the most over the past few months is a fancy-schmancy espresso drink. There’s nothing wrong with a plain old coffee, but a drink that is hand-crafted by someone who really knows what they’re doing with the espresso machine and the steamed... Read More