Reno Blog

Reno isn't called the Biggest Little City for nothing. While it's true that you can get to the airport in less than a half-hour from just about any place in town, it's also true that there is more going on here than you can imagine, let alone keep track of.  So in order to stay up on all of the latest events and activities, don't miss our timely and informative Reno blog. On a weekly basis, a Truckee Meadows insider will give you the background information on all your favorite goings-on and clue you in to new opportunities to get out and about. Forget about the Reno of yesteryear, when gambling was the main focus of the area and people came here in order to get a divorce. These days, participation opportunities abound whether you are a footloose and fancy-free Millennial, a parent trying to find something to catch the interest of kids or teens or someone just coming into the prime of your life. In fact, as you become a steady reader of the blog, you'll be amazed at how diversified the community has become over the past years, with something to offer all ages and all interests whether you've lived here forever or are visiting for the first time.

Reno Blog Posts

From Downtown to Midtown and from Boomtown to Victorian Square, we know you want to dive into Reno and Sparks, you want to hear about the latest festival down on the Truckee River or find out what celebrities are playing the showrooms! You need to hear about the outdoor activities that make our area a world-class destination area, each and every season of the year. And the only way to keep up with it all is to read the Reno blog!

aerial view of pyramid lake

Of Pre-historic Fish and the Remnant of an Inland Ocean

By Keith Rugg | Monday, October 26, 2020
Look, I honestly didn’t plan it this way. But I know that people are going to open up this blog post and think to themselves, “Wow. This guy’s really got lakes on the brain.” Cross my heart, last week when I talked about all the non-Tahoe and non-Donner lakes here in the area, I didn’t know that Pyramid Lake was right... Read More
Truckee River through downtown Reno

Lake Hopping in Reno

By Keith Rugg | Saturday, October 17, 2020
Not too long ago we explored the history of how Reno got its name, and we chatted about how the original community here was known as Lake’s Crossing. You may remember that the Lake in question wasn’t a body of water but was instead called that for the owner of a toll bridge over the Truckee River, a fellow by the name... Read More
broken down haunted house

Busting Ghosts in Reno

By Keith Rugg | Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Ghost stories are all the rage at this time of year, but compared to the rest of the state, Reno is almost a barren wasteland when it comes to haunted houses. Carson City has more ghosts than you can shake a stick at, and when it comes to Virginia City, well you can just forget about it, there are more spirits roaming... Read More
Interstate 80 at night with downtown Reno in background

"I'll Take Biggest Little City for $200, Alex"

By Keith Rugg | Monday, October 5, 2020
I always enjoy reading the Lake Tahoe This Week posts by my colleagues over on our sister site, Sometimes they’ll do a piece like Five Interesting Facts About the Lake, and even though Tahoe is my bread and butter, I am usually happily surprised to learn something new from the blog. So this week, I thought... Read More

Leaf Peeping in Reno

By Keith Rugg | Wednesday, September 30, 2020
A little earlier this year, we took a look at instances in which the city of Reno showed up in literature, and at the top of the list was The City of Trembling Leaves by Walter Van Tilburg Clark. Well, I don’t know much about trembling, but this is the time of year when the leaves are supposed to be turning, so it... Read More