Cannabis strains are usually broken down into two main types, Indica and Sativa. Hybrid strains are also common, which have properties of both strains together. Sativa strains have effects associated with energy, motivation, focus, and activity. They are often recommended to be used in the daytime for an extra boost. Indica strains often have calming and relaxing effects. They can cause a “body high”, completely relaxing the body which can help improve sleep. With that, many people often seek out these strains for nighttime use.
Cannabis strains are usually broken down into two main types, Indica and Sativa. Hybrid strains are also common, which have properties of both strains together. Sativa strains have effects associated with energy, motivation, focus, and activity. They are often recommended to be used in the... See More
Cannabis strains are usually broken down into two main types, Indica and Sativa. Hybrid strains are also common, which have properties of both... See More