My name is Lynn Starnes. I moved Great Wildlife Photos from Albuquerque, NM to Reno in 2010 shortly after I retired. I was a fish and wildlife biologist for 38 years. While working I had the opportunity to see animals being wild and natural — eating, playing, sleeping and even having pratfalls! As I described my exploits in the wild, people would ask me for copies of my photographs. I live to be in the out-of-doors, exploring and witnessing the grandeur of this country. Unlike a studio photographer who poses their clients, I must wait for an animal to settle down and allow me to capture an expressive moment.

My first major photography award was in 1996 for Nature's Ballet. It won Grand Prize in the International Photographers Competition. Home, Home on the Range won a monthly Australian competition for wildlife. In 2021, one of my polar bears waiting on sea ice in the arctic placed in the top 25 entries out of 60,000 submissions. The Smithsonian had all 25 top images on a yearlong world tour. I have had viewers from Australia and Great Britain contact me after seeing my image in that Smithsonian display. I have notebooks full of awards.

All my photography is digital since I made the switch away from film in 2006. I download photographs and choose the ones I love. I use Action Camera for local printing. I have USA companies that I use for metal and canvas prints.