With a choice of 11 different rooms and suites, Grand Sierra can satisfy your need for comfort and luxury. If your trip begins or ends with a plane ride, there's a free guest shuttle to transport you. Rooms come with two queens or one king bed, and handicap accessible rooms are available. Except in the nonsmoking concierge section, both smoking and nonsmoking rooms and suites are available. All accommodations are furnished with bottled water, a coffee maker and coffee, a comfortable chair, a desk, ironing equipment, a hairdryer and a flat-screen TV. Many rooms and suites also include access to the Concierge Lounge plus an in-room refrigerator and microwave, a separate living area or room with sofa, a sofa with pull-out bed, a wet bar, separate bedrooms, one-and-a-half or two bathrooms, a dining table, a spa-style shower or a Jacuzzi tub. If this is a special night that could include a gathering, treat yourself to the Diplomat Suite, which goes beyond the others with a dining table that seats eight, a small kitchen with refrigerator and microwave, a wet bar, a spa shower, a separate living area and bedroom, and even plush bathrobes.
Grand Sierra Resort Hotel
Grand Sierra Resort and Casino
2500 E. Second Street, Reno
(775) 789-2000
(800) 501-2651