January 2 at 12:34pm
Scented Sand Candles...only at The Hot Spot. Choose from 30 fragrances!

December 15 at 3:34pm

December 6 at 8:10am
Make something special this holiday season! We love to see your art!

November 22 at 8:22am
Amazing before and after the kilns! What will you be painting this holiday season? We are opened till 9pm today and will be opened tomorrow 10am-5pm! Walkins are always welcomed!

November 15 at 2:15am

November 1 at 9:14am
Here a some HOT before and afters!!

October 18 at 8:34am
Meet our boo crew!

October 9 at 11:57am

September 27 at 12:57pm
Come in and get spooky with us!